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Expert Insights: Breastfeeding (Week 1)

Welcome to our April Expert Insights series! Join Jasmine Creighton CBS, as she shares her profound insights and experiences in providing nurturing lactation support to mothers and infants. Don't miss this empowering exploration of compassionate care and its profound significance in the realm of lactation support.

Please comment on any questions you have for Jasmine on her approach to patient-centered care. Questions submitted here will be raised for discussion during the live Zoom Q&A on Thursday, April 25th, 2024!

1 comment

1 Comment

Apr 23

Jasmine- the work you are doing is so important. I'd love to learn more about how you include culture in your teaching. I also teach childbirth and breastfeeding to a very diverse group of parents! I look forward to attending your webinar. <3 Amy Zimmermann, IBCLC

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