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Our Story
The Maternal Health Network was established through the generous funding of First 5 San Bernardino based on the recognition that it would take a variety of systems and supports to improve maternal and infant health outcomes for families throughout San Bernardino County.

As a component of their 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, First 5 San Bernardino established a health goal which stated that “Children prenatal through age 5 and their families can access the full spectrum of health and behavioral health services needed to enhance their well-being.”
To support this goal, the First 5 San Bernardino Commission funded separate initiatives which included prenatal substance abuse screening and treatment, lactation support, and improved oral health care during pregnancy. Beyond gains made within these investment areas, the Commission identified the need to deepen its efforts to accomplish its health goal through a collective impact framework and systems building strategy.
Children prenatal through age 5 and their families can access the full spectrum of health and behavioral health services needed to enhance their well-being.
Families have access to resources and environments that support the total wellness of the child
Families are knowledgeable of and utilize available resources to manage their health
Children are born healthy
To accomplish this, the Commission funded a project intended to achieve the following objectives:
Develop infrastructure to support a multi-disciplinary maternal health network for San Bernardino County.
Establish a shared understanding of assets and gaps within the maternal health system.
Create a strategic plan to guide efforts within the maternal health system for San Bernardino County.
The result was the development of the Maternal Health Network, a cross-sector association of providers and community service programs that use a collective impact framework to achieve a shared vision of improved maternal and infant outcomes for families in San Bernardino County.
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