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Maternal and Infant Health Data

The Maternal Health Network compiles data specific to the outcomes and experiences of maternal and infant health in San Bernardino County, using it to drive priorities and action. Additionally, the MHN encourages its membership to use publicly available data to support program and systems improvement.

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San Bernardino Specific Data Sets & Analysis

San Bernardino Specific Data Sets & Analysis

Maternal Health Consumer Survey

The Maternal Health Network launched a survey in 2019 directed at maternal health consumers in the county. The goal was to better understand the kinds of services needed to support the health and well-being of mothers and their newborns in the county.
In April 2024, the Maternal Health Network launched a third iteration of the survey. To help disseminate the survey, contact either Kia Hines or Dr. Kendra Flores-Carter.

Maternal Health Data Snapshot

The Maternal Health Network has gathered data relevant to maternal and infant health indicators from a variety of sources to create the Maternal and Infant Health Data Snapshot.

Maternal Health Asset and Gaps

To support evidence-based decision making, the Maternal Health Network commissioned an asset and gaps analysis, designed to understand and document the broad landscape of existing maternal health components within the County. Available data was gathered and used to identify areas of strength and potential areas for improvement around maternal and infant health outcomes, specific to each sector of the maternal health system in San Bernardino County.

Publicly Available Data Sources

Publicly Available Data Sources

Listening to Mothers in California

Listening to Mothers in California is a statewide, population-based survey of women who gave birth in 2016. Data reports specific to the experiences of Black and Latina mothers are also available.

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