with Jasmine Creighton, CBS, Perinatal Health Specialist

Jasmine Creighton is a wife, mother of two, and pet mom of two, proudly residing in the Inland
Empire. She is a Maternal and Reproductive Health advocate, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist
(CBS), Perinatal Health Specialist for Loma Linda Children’s Hospital, and a lactation student
pursuing the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) credential. Additionally,
Jasmine is a board member for the Inland Empire Breastfeeding Coalition (IEBfC) as well as their
Cultural Task Force Coordinator and Chair of the IE Black Breastfeeding Task Force. She also sits
on the Advisory Board for the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA). Jasmine
is passionate for everything birth and lactation related, and strongly advocates for more
education and resources for Black communities.